Over and over again

Blogs start and stop. Social media sites. Podcasts, vlogs, photo sites. Technologies. They all do the same thing now that we have a few decades to look back on.
There are two ways to confront this: the first is to evolve with it. The second is to lay out a roll of grass and then yell at people to get off it (not the trash, but the change-is-bad chorus).
Change may or may not be inherently good or bad– it's a constant– and it has to be evaluated and reevaluated with a little bit of reason and study. And so, I'm relaunching a on a new platform, ideas, projects, and little more chronological advancement under my belt (read: old!)
Ghost.io, the tech behind this site allows paid/free newsletter subscriptions, but I'm not yet ready to do that. Still, throw your caution to the wind and subscribe early as I figure it all out, over and over again.